Accounting Seminar (2019-13)
Topic: Incentive schemes, framing, and market behaviour: evidence from an asset-market experiment
Speaker: Xuegang Cui,Professor,Business School, Beijing Normal University
Time: Wednesday, 23 Oct, 10:00-11:30
Location: Room K02, Guanghua Building 2
We investigate how asset prices and trading behaviour are impacted by the structure and framing of incentives, using a lab experiment. Subjects buy and sell a high-risk asset, a low-risk asset, and riskless cash over 10 rounds. We vary, between-subjects, the incentive scheme (relative versus absolute performance), and how the variable component of incentives is framed (bonus versus penalty). Both relative-performance (tournament) incentives and penalty framing are associated with significant increases in the price of the high-risk asset, relative to either its fundamental value or to the price of the low-risk asset. Additional analysis shows significant gender differences in trading behaviour and performance, and evidence that the two are connected.
崔学刚,北京师范大学经济与工商治理学院副院长、会计学教授、博士生导师,认知神经治理学实验室主任。现在主要研究领域为行为与神经会计学、智能会计、医院治剖析计。入选教育部新世纪优异人才、财务部首批天下会计领武士才(学术类)、财务部天下会计领武士才特殊支持妄想、北京市社科理论中青年“百人工程”,兼任中国会计学会财务治理专业委员会委员、中国治理科学与工程学会-神经治理与神经工程研究会常务理事、中国手艺经济学会神经经济治理专业委员会常务委员、中国总会计师协会卫生康健分会首届特聘专家、北京市卫生经济学会理事、 北京市卫生经济学会财经专委会照料,主持国家自然基金、国家社科基金、教育部人文社科妄想项目、北京市自然基金、北京市社科基金等国家与省部级课题10余项,在Abacus,International Journal of Finance and Economics,Neuroscience,Personal and Ubiquitous Computing,Annals of telecommunication,《会计研究》等海内外学术期刊揭晓论文60余篇,先后获得北京市哲学社会科学优异效果奖(2次)、北京市教育教学效果奖一等奖(1次)和二等奖(2次)、中国产学研相助立异奖(小我私家)、财务部中国会计学会优异论文奖等科研奖项。
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