Marketing Seminar(2017-16)
Title:Competitive Analysis of Hierarchically Strategic Firms
Speaker:Tony Cui, University of Minnesota
Time:Thursday, June 1, 14:00-15:30
Place:Room 216, Guanghua Building 2
Research has suggested that managers may have different levels of strategic-reasoning capabilities. Some firms are able to make more strategic decisions and obtain higher profits; others make less strategic decisions and earn lower profits.
By incorporating hierarchical strategic capabilities into a duopoly model, we find that a less strategic firm may benefit from its limited strategic capability when competing with a more strategic firm. The less strategic firm may earn a higher expected profit even though its opponent, the strategic firm, has a better strategic-reasoning capability. We also find that a strategic firm competing with a less strategic firm may get a lower profit than when competing with a strategic rival. Finally, in an innovative comparison, we find that the less strategic firm can earn a higher profit than a strategic counterpart with the same loyal share. A lab experiment provides empirical support for key theoretical predictions.
崔海涛教授现为明尼苏达大学卡尔森治理学院认真全球治理博士项目的国际副院长、教授,Holden-Werlich市场营销讲席教授,中国教育部讲座教授,美国生产和运营治理学会行为运作分会副主席,中国运筹学会行为运筹与治理分会副理事长。崔教授是《生产与运作治理》(Production and Operations Management)高级主编,《治理科学》(Management Science)客座副主编,以及《市场营销科学》(Marketing Science)、运作治理(Journal of Operations Management)和《营销科学学报》(Journal of Marketing Science)编委会委员。崔教授研究领域主要集中在竞争战略、定价、品牌治理、渠道战略、市场营销与运作治理交互研究、行为及实验经济学、以及行为科学与大数据的交互研究等。崔教授近年的研究主要集中在将行为和实验经济学与商业治理决议相团结的行为量化研究领域。崔教授是国际上市场营销领域在此研究偏向做出早期突出孝顺的学者之一,并继续对此领域研究的进一步推广与生长做出一连的孝顺。崔教授曾在国际顶级学术期刊Journal of Marketing Research、Marketing Science、Management Science上揭晓多篇论文并多次获得国际营销界顶级学报、美国市场营销科学研究院、美国市场营销协会等揭晓的学术声誉及奖励。其中包括2011美国市场营销科学研究院青年学者奖(此奖项是授予“市场营销学界下一代学术带动人”)、3M学者奖、2014国家自然科学基金重点项目、《治理科学》2009-2016年一连多年功勋效劳奖及优异效劳奖、《市场营销科学》优异效劳奖、2004美国营销协会AMA-Sheth博士同盟学者奖等。崔教授在2017年被明大卡尔森学院CHEMBA项目EMBA学员评选为“最受恋慕恩师奖”教授。他曾应邀在三十多所海内外大学及商学院举行演讲。他在中国给DBA、EMBA及商业高管课程项目教授《战略市场营销》及《市场营销治理》等课程,所教授的学员累计逾千人。
Your participation is warmly welcomed!