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Marketing Seminar2017-13

Title: Zoom in On-Screen UGC: Moment-to-Moment Viewing Experience and Movie Preference

Speaker: Wenbo Wang, Hong Kong University

Time: Wednesday, May 24, 13:30-15:00

Place: Room 217, Guanghua Building 2


This research investigates consumer’s moment-to-moment movie viewing experience by analyzing real-time on-screen user-generated contents (UGC). On-screen UGC are contents typed in by online viewers while watching a video. The contents are then displayed on-screen simultaneously with the video stream and can be seen by future viewers watching the same video. In this research, we focus on the movie category. We analyze the relationship between on-screen UGC and movie contents along the movie timeline, and its impact on movie preference, measured by consumer ratings and box office. We first use computer AI to quantify second-by-second camera shot transition, camera motion, sound energy, pitch level, and number of dialogs in subtitles, and number of exclamation tone among the dialogs. We then analyze the relationship among these movie contents, on-screen UGC, and movie preference. We find a movie has a high rating and box office when there is high synchronicity between the volume of on-screen UGC and movie contents along the movie timeline. This result is consistent to the intuition that consumers like a movie when their real-time viewing experiences highly co-move with the rhythm of the movie.



Wenbo Wang (王文博) is an Assistant Professor in the Marketing Department at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. He earned Ph.D degree at New York University Stern Business School and M.A. and B.A degree from PKU Guanghua School of Management. Professor Wang’s research interests focus on empirical studies on topics including social media, advertising, digital marketing, and pro-social behavior. He has published his research work at Marketing Science, Journal of Marketing Research and Journal of Consumer Research. Professor Wang’s research were exposed at mass media such as TVB, Knowledge@Wharton, Stanford Business Insight, and Science Daily. Professor Wang won the Early Career Award from the Hong Kong Research Grants Council for his research on advertising. He won Franklin Prize for Teaching Excellence.

For details of his research, please visit http://www.bm.ust.hk/mark/staff/WenboWang.html

Your participation is warmly welcomed!

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